An aspirational philosophy that underpins our organisational commitment to continuous improvement and a personal pledge to ‘make a difference’.
Shine is a symbol of innovation, involvement and improvement that underpins everything we do.
Shine encourages everyone to get involved and embrace our collective responsibility, making life better for every person receiving a service from, or connected with the HICA Group.
“It only takes one person to make a difference. As CEO of The HICA Group I fully support our Shine initiative which demonstrates HICA’s pledge to ‘make a difference’ and to emphasise our belief that while we are all part of a team, we are also individuals who can step forward and support one another.
Each one of us can be that person who through kind words or actions can make a difference to someone’s life.
I truly believe that our teams have what it takes to make a difference to everyone we support.”
Terry Peel
Chief Executive Officer- The HICA Group
Our Pledges to our service users
Safe – You are protected from abuse and avoidable harm
Effective – Your care, treatment and support achieves good outcomes, helps you to maintain quality of life and is based on the best available evidence
Caring – Staff involve and treat you with compassion, kindness, dignity and respect
Responsive – Services are organised so that they meet your needs
Well-led – The leadership, management and governance of the organisation make sure it’s providing high-quality care that’s based around your individual needs, that it encourages learning and innovation, and that it promotes an open and fair culture.
To help embrace the Shine ideology of truly making a difference to everyone we support, we set up the Shine Forum. The Shine Forum consists of a number of HICA employees who get together monthly to discuss current and future Shine Events.
The Forum also act as administrators for the funds raised by Shine events. They ensure that the funds go toward activities and equipment that can truly enhance our service users lives. Such events include the popular Afternoon Ball, held outside of our usual activities and enjoyed by many.
All funds are raised through ongoing fundraising activities such as our HICA Lottery, sponsored walks, various raffles and car boot sales.
We are open to new and creative ways in which we could fundraise, and we encourage anyone who’s involved with HICA to get in contact. New ideas continue to enhance the lifestyles of the people we support.
If you have any ideas, would like to take part in a fundraiser or set up a new event, we would love for you to get in touch via email:
We Want You to …Nominate Your HICA Hero!
Welcome to the HICA Awards Recognition Program, where we celebrate the exceptional contributions of our dedicated team members through the Friends and Family Award and the Shining Star Award.
Friends and Family Award:
The Friends and Family Award is a unique opportunity for individuals external to the organization—family members, friends, or service users—to nominate a remarkable team member. We invite nominations throughout the year, ensuring ample time for consideration.
The selected winner will not only be presented with a prestigious trophy but will also receive a well-deserved cash prize. We encourage nominators to provide detailed reasons for their nomination, emphasising specific examples that showcase the nominee’s outstanding dedication and positive impact.
Shining Star Award:
Internally, we recognise outstanding contributions through the Shining Star Award. This accolade is designed for nominations from within our organisation, highlighting individuals who consistently go above and beyond in their roles. Like the Friends and Family Award, the Shining Star winner will receive a trophy and a cash prize.
How to nominate:
Simply complete a nomination form (available from service receptions and send by post to Head Office or by email to Alternatively you can simply email your nomination to
If emailing you must include: the name of the nominated individual, their place of work, why you are nominating them along with examples of their good practice.