We provide domiciliary care on a planned basis to the residents of Buckshaw Retirement Village, Chorley both alongside Social Services and on a private basis. The village, built in 2008,, is a purpose built top quality retirement complex created as part of the Buckshaw Village development. Our service, which has been awarded “Good” in all areas by CQC, is available for any resident who feels that they need a little extra support to continue to enjoy an independent lifestyle.
Read more about HICA’s domiciliary care services here.
Quotes from the latest CQC report
“The provider ensured staff received training to support their understanding. Staff we spoke with were
knowledgeable about how to recognise signs of abuse and how to report it. Comments included, “We had
training about safeguarding, the trainer gave a lot of detail.” and “I would report any concerns to the
manager and record it, I would take it higher if needed.” “
“People we spoke with and their relatives felt safe. Comments included;
“Yes (name) is safe, they help them get dressed and seem to know them really well. (name) has an alarm and (staff) respond to it really well.”
“(name) is very safe, staff ring the bell and shout hello, they are kept very safe.” ”
Manager - Sian Mann
The Lodge
Buckshaw Retirement Village
Oakbridge Drive
Buckshaw Village
Tel 01772 459 565