We at HICA have over twenty years’ experience of providing highly personalised, diverse and flexible care and support for older people and people with a learning disability residing in care homes, community settings or in their own home. Many of our services whether they be delivered at home or in one of our community, care home settings are regularly inspected by the Care Quality Commission (CQC), the independent regulator which monitors the standards of social care services in England. CQC inspections cover all aspects of care including treating people with dignity and respect, making sure people feels safe in a clean environment, protected from abuse and improper treatment, making sure food and drink meet their needs and the service is overall well led.
Quality assurance monitoring and review is an essential element of our work and is intrinsic in our vision of continuous improvement with our personal pledge to ‘make a difference’ and our commitment to excellence. We believe we operate services that are safe, caring, effective, responsive and well led and our core objective is that all of the services that are inspected through CQC and through our own internal Quality Audit will be regarded as ‘Excellent’
We are proud of the services we currently provide and we are passionate about ensuring all care and support provided is truly above and beyond the requirements of CQC. We believe to help us achieve our vision of providing excellent care and support services, that there are core values that are crucial to its success;
- People who use our services can be confident that those services will be person centred, appropriate and aspirational.
- People who use our services and our staff are as protected from harm as is possible and they will feel safe.
- People who provide our services will be compassionate, skilled, trust-worthy and will feel valued.
- The future of the Organisation will be secured through a well thought out financial plan which supports planned and measured business growth, and creates enough wealth to support all other outcome areas.
- We will be innovative in the delivery of our services to ensure we achieve both efficiencies and differentiation to enable us to remain competitive in the marketplace
In addition our strategy for Quality Assurance Strategy will be Aspirational and Live and will be based on the following principles:
- We will ‘listen and acknowledge’ when we don’t get it right and we will work in an open and transparent way to ensure we learn from this and work together for continued improvement of our service provision.
- An organisational commitment to continuous improvements and a personal pledge to ‘making a difference’. The SHINE initiative.