HICA and Me is our specialist learning disability service and we have a long and proven track record in offering a flexible, high quality range of services.
This needs-led care and support is provided in both the community and within accommodation-based settings to enable adults to develop skills and maximise their independence
Talk to anyone about their life with HICA and it won’t be long before they mention the word ‘family’. Whether you live with us in one of our care homes or receive services from us, we will offer the same level of support and sense of security that you would find in your own family.
We are fully committed to encouraging personal growth – now and for the future – and place a heavy emphasis on listening to you and your family, ensuring that your support plans are centred on your needs and aspirations.
We also provide a range of specialist services for adults with learning disabilities and complex support needs including autism, epilepsy, severe learning disabilities, profound and multiple learning disabilities, high vulnerability and physical disabilities.
Whatever your needs please contact us to discuss your requirements.
Residential Services
Respite Care
Supported Living
Autism & Aspergers Support
Down Syndrome Support