On the first of February, The Grange at Buckshaw held their Dignity Action day, although Covid stopped them celebrating the day in the usual way, staff were still determined to hold the annual event to raise awareness. Dignity in Care is an integral part of a great care service and understanding what dignity means it important both overall and what it means to an individual, at HICA we provide person centered care enabling service users choice and control over their lives. Dignity Action Day is an annual opportunity for health and social care workers, and members of the public to uphold people’s rights to dignity and provide a truly memorable day for people who use care services. At The Grange this year they themed their event around ‘going the extra mile’. The day included activities such as writing their thoughts about what they think dignity is and hanging the notes on their dignity tree. Staff also received cupcakes to say thank you for their hard work.
At the HICA Group we have specially trained Dignity Champions who act as a point of contact for colleagues who require support and guidance with dignity in care issues. Their training also enables them to ensure service users are treated with respect and their right to privacy is upheld and are supported to exercise choice and control over their lives.